One late-summer afternoon, Kiju birthed Bonsai World. Only sustained by water and light, Bonsai World exists in contemplative reflection from Main World. Enter through the Portal to find yourself immersed in a nourishing sound oasis, where slower rhythms pulsate, stretching time and creating space.
12:30am>1:30am | Echönymphia Live |
1:30am>2:30am | IRL Live |
2:30am>4:00am | Faux Sommets |
4:00am>6:00am | Gi Gi |
6:00am>?? | Sako B2B Kiju |
12:30am >1:30am |
Live Echönymphia |
1:30am >2:30am |
Live IRL |
2:30am >4:00am |
Faux Sommets |
4:00am >6:00am |
Gi Gi |
6:00am >?? |
Sako B2B Kiju |